Thursday, June 26, 2008

yui oh yeah

okay i found this video in youtube as i was searching for the chords. i've only found out one chords for this song which was exactly the one that benjamin gave to me. however benjamin's one got lyrics. great job ben!!! i don't see this guy play as the same as the chords i have but he played quite nice also. do you think so?

this song is still new so it is very hard to find c
hords or covers for this song yet.haihz
i can't figure out the chords well basically because i'm not good.i hope someone with music knowledge could decipher the chords *finger crossed* and send it to me :)


Benjamin Chang said...

Haha, my heart skipped a beat when I saw your post title, cause I thought you put up your cover of the song. lol. But then, that guy's version is pretty cool though.

Daniel Hazmy said...

lol...i still can't play this song yet..trying to figure it out. hehe sorry but i will try :)

Benjamin Chang said...

I'm not sure how to play the intro also...sigh...sorry ya

I only modified the verse and the chorus a bit, the intro i didn't touch at all, haha...cause I dont know how to play it.