A normal typical sport movie you might say where every main character will win in the end no matter what sport they played. But i always love soprts genre movies. This is because as i watch i feel like i’m a part of them,like i’m the one who is in the story. Perhaps it’s because i’m a sportsman too. Whenever there are games or matches,strangely enough, my heart will beat furiously as if i’m playing on that very moment. Besides,I really enjoyed the moment when victory is achieved. Until now, i’ve never won any competition in any games and that’s sad. How i envy the movie characters, how they failed at first but emerged as champions later. When will i taste the moment of glory i’ll never know. But this movie is certainly a good one. Below is the link for the download and you can watch it for yourself :)
i’ve changed my blog layout if you notice. It’s about time now that my blog need a new face( well my face that is haha) .oh by the way i’ve posted something interesting in my academic blog. Do visit ya. till here then.